@dai2005 we are looking in Wuhan for sysadmin/SRE, backend node.js dev, frontend react & WX Miniprogram, as well as project manager. You can find the updated list of open positions at https://wiredcraft.com/jobs/?filter=wuhan
@dai2005 we are looking in Wuhan for sysadmin/SRE, backend node.js dev, frontend react & WX Miniprogram, as well as project manager. You can find the updated list of open positions at https://wiredcraft.com/jobs/?filter=wuhan
@flzx3qcysyhl9t 有武汉还有上海
@ceeeeb 随便你都可以
@kevalin 试一试并申请,团队将尽快与您联系!https://wiredcraft.com/jobs/backend-developer/
@chenken 翻译错了- 这通常是星期五的午餐
@sky0014 我从法国来,我们公司有很多国籍
@mintbearbear feel free to look into other open positions - who knows we might open it in Wuhan too
过早客微信公众号:guozaoke • 过早客新浪微博:@过早客 • 广告投放合作微信:fullygroup50 鄂ICP备2021016276号-2 • 鄂公网安备42018502001446号